Und wie froh waren wir, als wir gespürt haben, dass der ganze Saal hoch konzentriert war und jede kleine Nuance mitgegangen ist. Directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck. Ina Weisse as Martha Seeband. "[5], At its very first screening, in Competition at the 75th Venice International Film Festival, Never Look Away received a 13-minute standing ovation[6] and came in first place. Und das hat natürlich Konsequenzen, denn so etwas kann man nur aufrecht erhalten, wenn man extrem kontrolliert ist, und Kontrolle ausübt. Seine Welt bricht vollkommen in sich zusammen. He goes on to state: "It's about the biggest themes (art, war, love, death), it's emotionally overwhelming, its dialogue is lapidary, its musical score transporting. Even though Gerhard Richter only found out about this connection between the families through the article at age 70, his body of work shows that – at least on a subconscious level – he must have known. Sebastian Koch: Ja, er ist zehn Jahre älter. Later his aunt is sterilized and eventually "euthanized" by the Nazis because she was certified by three experts to be schizophrenic. Sebastian Koch: Wenn er den Raum betritt, sinkt die Temperatur um zwei Grad, jeder fühlt und weiß, dass er da ist. Wie war die erneute Zusammenarbeit? Das ist großartig. She suddenly appears mesmerized by playing the note A on the piano and begins to ramble in a e… Sebastian Koch: Carl Seeband hat diesen Künstler völlig unterschätzt. It was nominated for two Academy Awards at the 91st Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Language Film and Best Cinematography categories. The Karlsruhe-born actor received many nominations and awards for his outstanding performance as Georg Dreymann. Jetzt ist natürlich alles möglich und wir sind sehr gespannt, wie weit uns diese Reise führen wird. Dresden is firebombed and men die on the Russian Front. What Jürgen Schreiber's investigative research uncovered in 2002 was that Gerhard Richter's father-in-law, Heinrich Eufinger (de), had been a high-ranking SS-doctor and fervent Nazi who himself performed over 900 forced sterilisations on women whom the Nazis considered unfit to reproduce. The story of Kurt, a young art student who falls in love with fellow student, Ellie. Der geht wie ein Skalpell durchs Leben, messerscharf. Das macht uns sehr stolz und glücklich. Meanwhile, Kurt begins to study painting at the Dresden Art School where he falls in love with a young fashion design student Elisabeth (Ellie), partly because she reminds him of the femininity of his aunt. With Tom Schilling, Sebastian Koch, Paula Beer, Saskia Rosendahl. Richter's aunt Marianne Schönfelder had been murdered by the Nazis because she developed schizophrenia. Er benutzt Sprache als Waffe und zerstört damit sein Gegenüber. What Kurt does not know is that Ellie's father is Professor Seeband. But he can look his past in the eye without fear and has finally found his voice. Mit Kurt Barnert, der von Tom Schilling gespielt wird, hat er offenbar nicht gerechnet. He goes to great lengths in his attempts to destroy the relationship, even sabotaging his daughter's womb to keep her 'pure'. It may be the best German film I’ve ever seen. After years of infertility, Elisabeth becomes pregnant, and Kurt celebrates the moment she told him by painting her nude. Oliver Masucci Professor Antonius van Verten. Arbeitet Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck nun anders als damals? Sebastian Koch: Ich war relativ früh in das Projekt eingebunden. Das haben wir, glaube ich, intuitiv gemacht. Da gab es kein gemeinsames Feierabendbier. Werk ohne Autor ist ein deutscher Spielfilm von Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck aus dem Jahr 2018. Eventually, Carl Seeband, Mrs. Seeband, Kurt and Ellie all end up in West Germany in the 1960s. Paula Beer as Ellie Seeband. Mais Kurt ignore que le père de celle-ci, le professeur Seeband, médecin influent, est lié à lui par un terrible passé. Mark Zak Dolmetscher … Sebastian Koch: Tom Schilling nicht zu mögen, geht nicht. Das noch einmal anzugehen in dieser Konstellation ist großartig und wunderbar. The grateful Russian officer thereafter protects Seeband and releases him, but still suspecting him. Er will und muss immer gewinnen. Intuition, Gefühle, Empathie, all das hält er fern von sich, mit einer unglaublichen Intelligenz und Perfektion. "[10] In an interview with Mingle Media, The Squid and the Whale producer and feminist critic site Cherrypicks founder Miranda Bailey called Never Look Away "the best movie I've ever seen, in my entire life – ever – in my whole life. Er nimmt diese negativen Energien auf, verarbeitet sie und wächst daran. Was bedeutet es Ihnen, dass "Werk ohne Autor" für Deutschland ins Oscar-Rennen geht? Chillingly played by Sebastian Koch, he’s Professor Carl Seeband, Director of the Women’s Clinic and honorary member of the SS. While there, he volunteers to assist a Red Army officer's wife during a complicated birth and saves the lives of both wife and child. Fearing prosecution after the Russian officer who protected him is transferred to Moscow, Seeband flees East Germany for West Germany. But in reality, he has done everything to link my name to his movie, and the press was helping him to the best of its ability. Professor Carl Seeband is played by the extraordinary Sebastian Koch “Never look away” is the recommendation which his young and beautiful aunt Elisabeth (played by Saskia Rosendahl) gave the young Kurt Barnert when she took him to see the Degenerate art exhibition in Dresden. Er hat sich dazu entschieden, dass niemand mehr Macht über ihn haben wird, nie wieder Opfer zu sein. As a child during the Nazi era, protagonist Kurt Barnert (inspired by Gerhard Richter) visits the exhibition "Entartete Kunst" ("Degenerate Art") in Dresden with his beautiful and eccentric young aunt Elisabeth (Saskia Rosendahl). Oliver Masucci as Professor Antonius van Verten. Here he can study and practise art more freely than in socialist Eastern Germany. Außerdem verrät Koch, wieso er und sein Co-Star Tom Schilling (36, "Oh Boy") auf das gemeinsame Feierabendbier verzichtet haben. Sind Ihnen im Vergleich zu "Das Leben der Anderen" Veränderungen aufgefallen? Dix ans plus tard en RDA, étudiant aux Beaux-arts, Kurt peine à s'adapter aux diktats du " réalisme socialiste ". Le complicazioni sorgono quando il ruolo di Carl nel programma eugenetico nazista diventa noto. Trotzdem hat es mir großen Spaß gemacht, mich so ausführlich mit diesem Ungeheuer zu beschäftigen. Since Kurt is already 30 years old, he has to lie about his age to be admitted to the famous Düsseldorf Art Academy. He starts using his figurative painting skills to copy black-and-white photographs onto the canvas, adding a mysterious sfumato blur. He also claims he suggested to Donnersmarck the film's protagonist might have another profession. In Commentary magazine, in an article called "The Greatness of Never Look Away – Triumphant", editor-in-chief John Podhoretz, compares Never Look Away favorably to David Lean's Doctor Zhivago and calls it "the rare movie you actually wish were longer because it is so involving, heart-wrenching, and beautiful." It was nominated for a Golden Lion at the 75th Venice International Film Festival[1][2] and for a Golden Globe by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. However, Kurt and Elizabeth's love grows even stronger and eventually the two get married. Die Weltpremiere fand im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs der 75. However, Kurt may not have understood what he was doing, at least not on a conscious level. [2] In den deutschen Kinos startete der Film am 3. Er ist voller Selbstkontrolle in allem, was er tut und sagt. His teacher (based on Joseph Beuys) recognizes Kurt's deep personal experience, but also sees that he is struggling to find his own voice, having been trained only in figurative painting, a medium considered outdated and "bourgeois" by the standards of the school. Tandis qu'il cherche sa voix et tente d'affirmer son style, il tombe amoureux d'Ellie. Es ist schön, wenn man so viel Arbeit in etwas hineinsteckt und es dann gesehen wird, sich die Menschen damit beschäftigen und es mögen. She also tells Kurt to "never look away" because "everything that is true holds beauty in it". Mit "Werk ohne Autor" geht Regisseur Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (45, "Das Leben der Anderen") erneut ins Oscar-Rennen. When Seeband sees a collage painting of Kurt's aunt, the Nazi doctor, and himself, he flees, destroyed, believing his despised son-in-law of all people was able to uncover his greatest secret. Richter's first child was born on 30 December 1966, and Richter explained that this photograph was staged by him when he had found out that she was three months pregnant. Seeband does not approve of his daughter's relationship with Kurt, whom he sees as genetically inferior. Elisabeth vanishes from the film, but her memory lingers, a ghost flickering on the periphery of Kurt's consciousness, barely remembered, but present. [8][9], The San Francisco Chronicle quotes The Exorcist director William Friedkin stating: "One of the finest films I have ever seen is Never Look Away – a masterpiece. Another one from the same series, Family at the Seaside, is a snapshot from his wife's photo album showing her father, Professor Eufinger, horse-playing with his family, a photograph that is unremarkable except for the fact that it was taken around the exact time professor Eufinger sent Richter's aunt to her death. Ich fand es auf Anhieb sehr spannend und passend für ihn. When the young man goes to art school in Dusseldorf, he has great difficulty making his way through the plethora of styles popular during that time (and Donnersmarck has a lot of fun satirizing the pursuit of aesthetic styles in the sixties.) On stage, television or the movie theatre screen Sebastian Koch is undeniably one of Germany s most multi-faceted and successful actors. He said that it would probably be hurtful if it was too close to the facts and perhaps even more hurtful if it was not close enough. Paula Beer as Ellie Seeband. Based on the life of artist Gerhard Richter – who lived under both Nazi and communist regimes in Germany before escaping to the West – it has a wonderful portrait of a familiar type: the survivor-careerist. Das ist fest in der Struktur dieses Menschen verankert. Evgeniy Sidikhin NKWD Major Murawjow. [7] Never Look Away also won audience awards at various festivals, mostly in competition with the same films it was up against in Venice. Donnersmarck stated that he understood this reaction, as few people would want to relive some version of the most traumatic chapters of their life on screen. She suddenly begins rambling in a euphoric way saying she is "playing a concert for Hitler" and hitting herself on the head with a glass ashtray. Er muss einem enormen Druck standhalten. The novelist Kyle Smith, critic-at-large for the National Review, writes in an article titled "A New Cinematic Masterpiece": "The German director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck already has one of the best films of the century to his credit: 2007’s The Lives of Others. [5] Commenting on the material he had supplied to Donnersmarck in interviews, Richter told The New Yorker: "I gave him something in writing stating that he was explicitly not allowed to use or publish either my name or any of my paintings. [4] In a New Yorker profile of writer/director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, who spent many weeks with Gerhard Richter during his research for the film but never revealed anything about the content of these conversations, Gerhard Richter revealed surprisingly that "Ema's father had been her gynecologist, and that there were mysteries and rumors around the treatment that he provided her". [15] Boyd van Hoeij wrote in The Hollywood Reporter that "the work's considerations of the intimate connection among being, art and life finally feel quite superficial. To preserve her reputation after sleeping with her, he escapes through her bedroom window and is caught by her mother, who does not disclose their activity to Ellie's father. Lars Eidinger Exhibition Guide. lícula dramàtica alemanya dirigida per Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck.Va ser seleccionada per ser projectada en la secció de competició principal del Festival Internacional de Cinema de Venècia de 2018. He realizes that when you are true to your artistic instinct, you can reach a truth your intellect could never hope to attain. Ich hingegen zappele herum und bewege mich viel. Sebastian Koch: Zu verstehen, was ihn antreibt. Wie kam es zu Ihrem Engagement bei "Werk ohne Autor"? Kurt still does not know that Carl Seeband is responsible for his aunt's death. Wie haben Sie die Arbeit mit Tom Schilling empfunden? Er versucht alles, diesen Menschen zu zerstören und aus dem Leben seiner Tochter fernzuhalten, einfach weil er ihn schwach und uninteressant findet. Thema ist das Leben eines Künstlers, angelehnt an die Biografie von Gerhard Richter. Anzüge trägt er wie eine Uniform, ohne eine Falte. Wir sind uns aber während der Dreharbeiten fast ausschließlich in unseren Rollen begegnet. Es ist sehr besonders, wie er einen Raum schafft, in dem man sich vertrauensvoll bewegen und etwas kreieren kann. Kurt shares adjoining studio space with fellow student and confidant Günther Preusser (inspited by Günther Uecker), who was starting to experiment with hammering nails into boards to produce large artworks. It's one of the best films of the decade. "[12] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 68 out of 100, based on 28 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". Upon learning Ellie is pregnant with Kurt’s child, Professor Seeband—a gynecologist and firm believer in eugenics—fears his genetic lineage will … He will keep this advice close to his heart for the rest of his life. Nevertheless, he managed to abuse and grossly distort my biography! The distraction of almost obtusely misleading English subtitles aside, I was pretty much mesmerised by the first 45 minutes of the film, which had me close to tears on several occasions. Er ist ein feiner Geist und die Idealbesetzung für Kurt Barnert. Never Look Away is the title." Selena Gomez: Ein Kreuz-Tattoo ziert jetzt ihr ... Weniger ist mehr: So wird das Bralette zum Allt... Sebastian Koch als Professor Carl Seeband in "Werk ohne Autor", © 2018 BUENA VISTA INTERNATIONAL / Pergamon Film / Wiedemann & Berg Film, SpotOn. NEVER LOOK AWAY (WERK OHNE AUTOR) (director/writer: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck; cinematographer: Caleb Deschanel; editor: Patricia Rommel/Patrick Sanchez-Smith; music: Max Richter; cast: Tom Schilling (Kurt Barnert), Cai Cohrs (Young Kurt), Paula Beer (Ellie Seeband), Sebastian Koch(Professor Carl Seeband), Oliver Masucci (Professor Antonius van Verten), Saskia Rosendahl … [5] Donnersmarck read Richter the full screenplay when he was finished, so that Richter could see for himself how much was fiction and where facts from his life were used. "[16], Never Look Away reached a lifetime gross of US$1,303,747 and became the 15th German-language feature film to pass the million-dollar box-office mark. While he did not perform the operation on Marianne Schönfelder personally, he was the director of the hospital where it was performed. Opera senza autore [HD] (2018) un Film di Categoria Drammatico Ideato in Germany, Italy, la durata di questo film è 189 min.. Ispirato alla vita del pittore tedesco Gerhard Richter, che vede il film come un “abuso e grossolanamente distorto” ritratto della sua biografia, la storia segue lo studente d’arte Kurt Barnert da adulto nella Germania dell’est del dopoguerra. Das erste Mal vor einem großen Publikum, und natürlich waren wir sehr gespannt, wie der Film ankommt. Saskia Rosendahl as Elisabeth May. Only when Kurt finds a newspaper article about a captured Nazi doctor, Seeband's boss, does he have his artistic breakthrough. Aber die Art, wie Kurt Barnert damit umgeht, ist erstaunlich. Leonard Maltin who taught the film at his master class at USC Film School writes: "I urge you to see Never Look Away. "Maybe the film is for everybody except him". Shortly afterwards, Kurt and Elisabeth also flee to West Germany. Wenn ich ihn auf der Leinwand sehe, kann ich mich kaum wiedererkennen. [5], Richter claimed that he told Donnersmarck that he did not want the movie character to bear his name. Er ist kein zärtlicher Mensch, sondern ziemlich einsam und durchdrungen von dieser Ideologie und dem tiefen Glauben, dass das, was er macht, richtig ist. Sebastian Koch: Das ist immer eine extrem spannende Situation. After an outburst of violence, the family confides her to the care of a medical doctor, Professor Carl Seeband (Sebastian Koch). Saskia Rosendahl as Elisabeth May. Am 3. Zudem ist meine Figur schauspielerisch extrem reizvoll. Sebastian Koch: Diesen Seeband zu spielen, das konnte ich nicht aus- und anschalten. Finally, the largest photo painting that Gerhard Richter produced before turning to abstract art was Ema, Nude on a Staircase (#134 in his official catalogue raisoné). Es wurde gelacht und geweint, es war hoch emotional. Herr Koch, "Werk ohne Autor" ist Ihr zweiter Film mit Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck. It’s not long before the Dresden hospital director, professor Carl Seeband (Sebastian Koch), from The Lives of Others), condemns Elizabeth to the concentration camps as mentally unfit. Sebastian Koch, Actor: Das Leben der Anderen. After the war, Seeband is arrested by the Russians and briefly placed in a prison camp. Kurt successfully continues his studies, but is forced to complete paintings that reflect socialist realism, an ideology and school of art with which he cannot come to terms. Kurt’s aunt Elisabeth (Saskia Rosendahl), diagnosed as schizophrenic, is sterilised as part of the Nazi eugenics program overseen by Professor Carl Seeband (Sebastian Koch), a gynecological doctor and leading member of the SS medical corps. (It's an astonishing sequence.) Oliver Masucci Professor Antonius van Verten. Eventually, Kurt meets Elisabeth's father, who has left his Nazi past behind and now follows the socialist ideology of East Germany. Sebastian Koch as Professor Carl Seeband. Fortunately, the most important newspapers here reviewed his concoction very skeptically and critically. Kurt gets his first art show where his art impresses the critics even though they completely misunderstand and misinterpret it. Wenn Seeband am Ende realisiert, dass er diesem Mensch unterlegen ist, ist das für ihn die Höchststrafe. Although he is very good at it, he knows that he can never find his own voice through this kind of art. Later at home Kurt walks in on Elisabeth playing the piano in the nude. Elisabeth is put under the "care" of a famed gynecologist, Professor Carl Seeband (Sebastian Koch, in a chilling performance), who schedules her for sterilization. Er hat dessen Kraft nicht im Ansatz ernst genommen und nicht kommen sehen. This led art historians to refer to his body of work as being "without author", as it purportedly had no connection to its author's life.[4]. Sebastian Koch Professor Carl Seeband. Sebastian Koch (Professor Carl Seeband) collaborated with Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck on the director’s first film, THE LIVES OF OTHERS (2007). Wie würden Sie Ihre Figur, Professor Carl Seeband, beschreiben? As complicações surgem quando o papel de Carl no programa de eugenia nazista vem à tona. While there, Kurt is especially mesmerized by the Girl with Blue Hair, a modernist sculpture by Eugen Hoffmann. Eine besondere dramaturgische Spannung entsteht daher, dass weder Kurt noch Professor Seeband von dieser Beziehung wissen – genauso wenig wie Kurts junge Frau Ellie (Paula Beer). Er ist ein sehr gründlicher und feinsinniger Mensch. Fotos: Splash News, WENN Entertainment, GettyImages, dpa. Ele se apaixonada pela colega Ellie Seeband, mas seu pai, o professor Carl Seeband, se opõe ao relacionamento. Und am Schluss haben sie uns in Form von minutenlangen Standing Ovations umarmt. Inspirado na vida de Gerhard Richter, a história mostra o estudante de arte Kurt Barnert na Alemanha Oriental após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. It is a rich and rewarding experience, and the three hours fly by." Die Hauptrollen spielen Tom Schilling, Sebastian Koch, Paula Beer, Saskia Rosendahl, Oliver Masucci und Ina Weisse. Dix ans plus tard en RDA, étudiant aux Beaux-arts, Kurt peine à s'adapter aux diktats du « réalisme socialiste ». But when the film was finished and Donnersmarck offered to arrange a screening, Richter said that he did not feel up to it and did not feel he had the strength to see the film. [3] This was only the second time that a German-language film by a German director was nominated for an Oscar in multiple categories, the other film being Wolfgang Petersen's Das Boot 36 years prior. Ulrike C. Tscharre Miss Hellthaler. [13], Ann Hornaday writing in The Washington Post wrote: "The title of "Never Look Away" is deliciously ironic: This is one of the most mesmerizing, compulsively watchable films in theaters right now." German artist Kurt Barnert has escaped East Germany and now lives in West Germany, but is tormented by his childhood under the Nazis and the GDR-regime. Oktober 2018. Never Look Away (German: Werk ohne Autor, lit. Oliver Masucci as Professor Antonius van Verten. Sebastian Koch as Professor Carl Seeband. Florian Bartholomäi Günther May. Sebastian Koch (56, "Bridge of Spies - Der Unterhändler") spielt darin ein "Ungeheuer", wie er seine Figur Professor Carl Seeband selbst beschreibt. Later at home, Kurt walks in on Elisabeth playing the piano in the nude. Saskia Rosendahl Elisabeth May. And that is all that matters to him. Paula Beer Ellie Seeband. Ina Weisse Martha Seeband. Wie war es für Sie, bei der Weltpremiere in Venedig, den Film das erste Mal mit Publikum zu sehen? As a small child during the Nazi era, protagonist Kurt Barnert (inspired by Gerhard Richter) visits the traveling exhibition "Entartete Kunst" ("Degenerate Art") in Dresden with his beautiful and eccentric young aunt Elisabeth (Saskia Rosendahl). Ricoverata in un ospedale psichiatrico fa appello al cuore del Professor Carl Seeband perché non la sterilizzi ma il suo destino sarà più crudele e preludio di uno sterminio abominevole. The doctor who orders her forced sterilization and sends her to her death is gynaecology Professor Carl Seeband, the Director of the Dresden Women's Clinic and a high-ranking honorary member of the SS medical corps. [5], When asked for a comment by the German press, Richter said he had not seen the film but he found the trailer too "reißerisch", or thriller-like. Si innamora della compagna studentessa Ellie Seeband, ma suo padre, il professor Carl Seeband, si oppone alla loro relazione. Ähnlich wie ein Schachspieler, der drei, vier Züge im Voraus berechnet und auf alles vorbereitet ist. Jedes Gefängnis könnte er mit Hilfe von Disziplin ertragen, aber zu verlieren, das kennt er nicht. Professor Carl Seeband. Born in Karlsruhe, Germany, May 31, 1962, he spent his childhood and youth in Stuttgart, southwestern Germany. (lacht) Aber er geht nicht anders an die Dinge heran. Unusually for Gerhard Richter, this painting is dated very precisely to May 1966. Sebastian Koch: Es ist wunderbar, dass German Films uns nominiert hat. Da hat nichts anderes Platz. Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Venedig statt. Paula Beer Ellie. Sebastian Koch: Es ist schön, wenn man jemanden so gut kennt. Saskia Rosendahl Elisabeth May. Kurt does not know what kind of art he wants to make, but he knows that socialist realism is not it. Richter immortalized her in a painting titled Aunt Marianne in which the aunt is holding Gerhard Richter as a baby. While there, Kurt is especially mesmerized by the Girl with Blue Hair, a modernist sculpture by Eugen Hoffmann. Sebastian Koch (Professor Carl Seeband) Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck und mich verbindet seit Jahren eine sehr enge, vertrauensvolle Freundschaft. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck explained extensively that Never Look Away is a work of fiction but that the point of inspiration had been an article by famed German investigative reporter Jürgen Schreiber about the German painter Gerhard Richter. This painting was originally released under the title Mother and Child because it was Richter's habit to obfuscate the connections his paintings had to his personal life. Rainer Bock Dr. Burghart Kroll. "[11], Never Look Away holds a 77% fresh rating on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, with an average rating of 7.39/10 based on 137 reviews; the critics consensus states: "Never Look Away fills its protracted running time with the absorbing story of an incredible life - and its impact on the singular artist who lived it. Oktober ist der Film in den deutschen Kinos angelaufen. Durante uma visita à exposição de arte degenerada "Entartete Kunst", em Dresden, Kurt, um garoto de cinco anos de idade, foi dito por sua tia Elisabeth para "nunca de… He reassured me to respect my wishes. Ich habe nicht gezögert, zuzusagen. "[14], Dissenting voices include contrarian critic Armand White for the National Review and David Edelstein, writing for New York magazine's Vulture.com website.