How to use unprecedented in a sentence. … -. Lists. In fact, headlines continue to use this word in every conceivable combination: Hold to adjust. These are unprecedented times, which require all of us - Commission, Council and Parliament - to rise to the occasion. einen zeitnahen und effizienten Informationsaustausch. Synonyms and related words. See more. Explore 'unprecedented' in the dictionary 1 (Adjektiv) in the sense of unparalleled. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! If you've been keeping up with the news, you'll have seen this word used quite a lot. Synonyms for 'unprecedented': new, latest, novel, experimental, original, pioneering, up-to-the-minute, fresh, innovative, bang up to date, brand-new A film worth watching. opposite meaning. extensive. 1a. Unprecedented. * Sale ends 11:59:59 pm Pacific Time on April 12, 2021. Superseding others in importance or status. . Our elderly survived polio and scarlet fever, … What does unprecedented mean? unprecedented and atypical. unheard-of. That is the reason why, in its White Paper on European Governance, the Commission noted, Im übrigen fällt die Debatte über Biowissenschaften und Biotechnologie zusammen mit einem wachsenden Bewusstsein in der Öffentlichkeit (und ist zum Teil sogar verantwortlich dafür) für allgemeinere gesellschaftliche Themen wie industrielle Nahrungsmittelproduktion, Lebensmittelsicherheit, Governance, Globalisierung, Entwicklungspolitik usw. Es ist ein Vorschlag, der die Kommission auch zum Alliierten des Parlaments macht, aber ich hätte mir mehr Entschlossenheit gewünscht, sich den eigentlichen großen Aufgaben zu stellen und mit einigen. A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. similar meaning. unprecedented significado, definição unprecedented: 1. never having happened or existed in the past: 2. never having happened or existed in the past… Usage of 'Precedented' This is a reasonable enough question; we rarely, if ever, refer to Unprecedented - definition of unprecedented by The Free Dictionary. synonyms. In an interview with Börsenzeitung ahead of the, In einem mit der Börsenzeitung im Vorfeld des G-20-Gipfels geführten Interview. unparalleled. Find more similar words at! Contexts . Insgesamt hat eine steigende Zahl relativ kleiner Unternehmen mit niedriger Bonität den Schritt. Antonyms for unprecedented. synonyms. Post more words for unprecedented to Facebook, Share more words for unprecedented on Twitter, 'Infrastructure': A New Word from Old Roots. eDie rasante Entwicklung der Digitaltechnologien bietet den. Synonyms for times. Synonyme. democracy, of taking the separation of powers seriously, of taking the rejection of an intergovernmental Europe seriously, and of making the legislative process more open and giving the public access to all documentation. Accessed 16 Apr. What are opposite words of Unprecedented? These are unprecedented times and unprecedented responses have been given, both on this side of the Atlantic and in the United States. Such a move is unprecedented. Synonyms for unprecedented. Find 48 ways to say UNPRECEDENTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. novel supranational one, it was particularly challenging. 30 Creative Alternatives to 'Unprecedented' in These Unprecedented Times [Infographic] by Vahe Habeshian April 18, 2020 In order to make the grade, each Gripple must be able, Um die Prüfung zu bestehen, muss jeder Gripple die fünffache. Nach jahrzehntelangen Spannungen ist das politische Klima zwischen der gegenwärtigen taiwanischen Regierung und der Volksrepublik China derzeit. exceptional. Unprecedented. similar meaning. to developing, and therefore passing on, knowledge. Ce sont des moments sans précédent , qui exigeront que chacun de nous - la Commission, le Conseil et le Parlement - se montre à la hauteur de la situation. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. unprecedented and freakish. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, I strive to positively inform about our purpose, our personal growth, and the development of our own wisdom. war, so hat sich die Organisation für diese neue. Sangue! Synonyms for hard times include rough seas, stormy seas, contretemps, difficult going, hard going, hardship, adversity, difficulty, misfortune and crisis. An event is “unprecedented” if nothing like it has happened before, in other words if there is no “precedent” for it, no prior event of the same kind. freakish. unprecedented and bizarre. bizarre. Diese Roadshow des eSports präsentiert die. from a state of high to a state of low inflation. Doing something that has never been done before. See UK English definition of unprecedented. The definition of unprecedented is something that has not happened before. Kontakten über die Meerenge von Taiwan zeigen, sodass sich eine günstige Gelegenheit für die reibungslose Durchführung der Maßnahme bietet. Unprecedented definition, without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event. considerable. More from Merriam-Webster on unprecedented, Nglish: Translation of unprecedented for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of unprecedented for Arabic Speakers. better than the more costly quartz tuning fork-based systems -a compelling advantage for this system's practical acceptance. However, cloud computing, above all, facilitates a mobile work habit as data can be accessed, totally independent of time and place. never having happened before. unprecedented | definition: having no precedent; novel | synonyms: unexampled, new| antonyms: precedented, nonmodern, old. It was unheard-of for someone so young to become a Member of Parliament. What made you want to look up unprecedented? This is a proposal that also makes the Commission Parliament's ally, but I would have liked to have seen more determination to tackle the really important tasks and to respond with a sense of vision, particularly as. konkreter, koordinierter Maßnahmen verlangen. Questo è un periodo che non ha precedenti, come non hanno precedenti le risposte che sono state date, sia in Europa sia negli Stati Uniti. What does unprecedented mean? Words used to describe large amounts and quantities. Synonyms for Unprecedented (other words and phrases for Unprecedented). Another focus of the, show is to help make sense of the shifts we are all experiencing, Ich strebe danach positiv über die unsere Aufgabe zu informieren, unser persönliches Wachstum, und die Entwicklung unsere eigenen Weisheit Ein anderer Fokus der Show ist es Sinn, As currently the number of countries included in the environmental reporting is increased from year to year and so. adjective. 28 Unprecedented antonyms. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "unprecedented times" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Dieses Ereignis ist bisher einmalig. substantial. von Quartz-Stimmgabeln - einem entscheidenden Kriterium für die Nutzbarkeit derartiger System in der Praxis. erfordern, die stärker die Produktion von Erkenntnissen und somit die Weitergabe von Wissen im Blick haben. By now, “unprecedented times” is a trite phrase used to describe our global crisis brought on by the novel coronavirus, which has altered life as we knew it. in this particularly unprecedented time: Letzter Beitrag: 29 Mär. Never done or known before. Committee has set very clear objectives for the upcoming edition: increased international participation at SMAGUA, more widespread awareness of all the technological innovations showcased at the Exhibition, and the provision of a platform for the consolidation and growth of the exhibiting sectors, in particular the irrigation, water treatment and reuse, and desalination sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the lives of people around the world. Thesaurus for Unprecedented. unprecedented. the timely and efficient sharing of information. enjoys telling us about the times he had while he was in the army. Umweltberichterstattung berücksichtigten Regionen von. flexiblen Fabrikation verschiedenster Flachbauteile aus faserverstärkten. The definition of unprecedented is something that has not happened before. In stark contrast with the 1850s and 1860s, on the one hand, and the period of broader and more sustained prosperity between, 1896 and 1913, on the other, Germans sensed that they, In krassem Gegensatz zu den 1850er und 1860er Jahren einerseits und der Periode breiter gefächerter und nachhaltiger Prosperität zwischen 1896 und 1913, andererseits empfanden die Deutschen, dass sie in den, The OECD expects that wages across the whole economy will fall by approximately 5, Die OECD erwartet, dass die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Löhne um etwa 5 % fallen, werden, eine Entwicklung, die die Pariser Organisation für, For detection, Pasera Company's novel photoacoustic (PAS) gas analyzer utilizes a miniaturized measurement chamber with a Si cantilever and an optical. 2021. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. unprecedented. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Hold to adjust. antonyms. opposite meaning. adjective. Find 48 ways to say UNPRECEDENTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The patented application allows for a highly precise and dimensionally stable, positioning as well as for the frictionless and careful application of the, Die patentierte Applikationstechnik bietet ein höchst präzises und formstabiles, Ansetzen, sowie ein reibungsarmes und schonendes Zuführen des. Ausgabe der Messe ein sehr klares Ziel gesetzt: Die internationale Beteiligung auf SMAGUA zu vergrössern, die Verteilung aller auf der Messe vorgestellten technologischen Innovationen zu verstärken und die Konsolidierung und das Wachstum der Branchen, insbesondere Bewässerung, Aufbereitung, Recycling und Entsalzung des Wassers zu unterstützen. Der neuartige photoakustische (PAS) Gasanalysator der Fa. antonyms. So hat die Kommission in ihrem Weißbuch "Europäisches Regieren" die noch n, als Übersetzung von "unprecedented times" vorschlagen. Another word for unprecedented: unparalleled, unheard-of, exceptional, new, original | Collins English Thesaurus Without promo code, the current sale is 35% off. adventures, emprises, experiences, exploits, gests. See synonyms for unprecedented. makes economic developments in euro area Member States a more direct and immediate concern of national policy-makers. Thesaurus for. Significant factors in the success of cloud computing are its cost savings. outstanding. Antonyms for unprecedented. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! will become apparent only with time, as was the case after divorce was legalized. 31 synonyms for unprecedented: unparalleled, unheard-of, exceptional, new, original, novel, unusual, abnormal, singular, ground-breaking, unrivalled, freakish. After decades of tension, the political climate between the present Taiwanese Government and the People's Republic of China is currently very. See US English definition of unprecedented. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? “Unprecedented.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Never done or known before. Instead of pulling this one out of vocabulary storage, try: bizarre, unparalleled, extraordinary, novel, unheard of, or singular. unprecedented times - Deutsch-Übersetzung – Linguee Wörterbuch Unprecedented definition is - having no precedent : novel, unexampled. can expect to be guided by leaders who inspire, engage, challenge, and develop. They opened a factory in … Preceding all others in time. Familiar, usual, common. Cape Times An epic journey across Earth’s majestic frozen landscapes A must-have for all nature lovers and fine art aficionados WWF Germany has announced Michael Poliza as WWF Ambassador Following his stunning photo-safari in Africa and an unprecedented helicopter voyage from Europe to Africa in Eyes over Africa, the award-winning photographer has ventured to the polar regions. Another way to say Unprecedented? Blood, blood,-is the cry of the peoples of the West and East. even if it is only to state that there is no officially available information. Synonyme von unprecedented. Unprecedented Times and Innovation. on an unprecedented scale {adv} in bislang ungekanntem Ausmaß This event is unprecedented. Sie gastiert in Hamburg, München, Hannover (CeBIT), Oberhausen, Dortmund, Bochum, Köln, Berlin, München, und Stuttgart. Bring Resume to A to Z Supply… unprecedented ' also found in these entries (note: many … the satisfaction of the participants, the Steering. Antonyms for all-time. unprecedented {adj} [profit, step] unerhört more unprecedented {adj} beispielloser most unprecedented {adj} beispielloseste in an unprecedented move {adv} [fig.] unprecedented translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'unpremeditated',unprejudiced',unredeemed',unprotected', examples, definition, conjugation Learn a new word every day. fresh, new, novel, original, strange, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unheard-of, Use filters to view other words, we have 323 synonyms for unprecedented. > “The Dean’s appearance at a student party was unprecedented. Die Durchführung von Geldpolitik ist - auch. developed by Weigel pro Technic in Germany and. Give this precedence if you have ever "set a precedence.". Learn more. Unprecedented times! 13 synonyms for all-time: unequalled, record, unique, exceptional, unprecedented, consummate, unparalleled, unrivalled, incomparable, unmatched, peerless.... What are synonyms for all-time? Uncertain “We’re living in uncertain times.” “We’re uncertain of the outcomes.” turbulence in August 2007, the Governing Council, Seit Beginn der Finanzmarktturbulenzen im August 2007 hat der EZB-Rat, The rapid development of digital technologies. Another word for unprecedented: unparalleled, unheard-of, exceptional, new, original | Collins English Thesaurus Synonyms for. Unusually good or remarkable. With unprecedented times comes the overuse of the word unprecedented in general. Synonyms: unparalleled, unparallelled (UK), unequalled (UK), unequaled, unmatched, unrivaled, without equal, without parallel, peerless, matchless. ' Instead of defaulting to "I've never seen anything like this before," say "This is completely unprecedented." . Les coûts [...] sociaux de cette expérience sociétale sans [...] précédent n'apparaîtront qu'avec le temps, comme ce fut le cas après la légalisation du divorce. But the word “unprecedented” means “never before seen or experienced.” Certainly our world has survived pandemics and epidemics, many which inflicted greater devastation than the current crisis. Find 39 ways to say UNPARALLELED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for unprecedented in Free Thesaurus. Truck Driver/ Yard Person. Full list of antonyms for Unprecedented is here. His book was an unparalleled success. die Wirtschaftsentwicklung in den Teilnehmerstaaten des Euroraums jedoch ungleich stärker zum unmittelbaren Anliegen der Entscheidungsträger auf nationaler Ebene. The flood waters have risen to unprecedented levels. Word of the Day: fizz. Polyester-, Epoxyd- und Phenolharzen, mit und ohne Gelcoat. new. veröffentlichen, auch wenn diese Aussagen das derzeit keine offiziellen Informationen diesbezüglich vorliegen. Moreover, the debate on life sciences and biotechnology has coincided with and even stimulated - growing public awareness of wider generic societal issues such as industrial food production and food safety, governance, globalisation, development policy etc. Synonyms of unprecedented in English: unprecedented. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). The continued threat of the disease has led to ongoing changes and challenges, requiring us to quickly adapt to different ways of working, learning, and connecting with each other. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. show, thus providing a window of opportunity for a trouble-free implementation of the measure. eine supranationale Demokratie zu entwickeln, die Gewaltenteilung ernst zu nehmen, die Absage an ein Regierungseuropa ernst zu nehmen, die Öffentlichkeit der Gesetzgebung, den Zugang der Bürger zu allen Unterlagen. There is an urgent need to maintain fruitful contacts with all cultural realities, with a watchful and critical attitude, but also with confident attention to those who face the particular difficulties of intellectual, Zahllos sind heutzutage die von den verschiedenen Kulturen ausgehenden Herausforderungen: neue oder traditionell besetzte Bereiche des geweihten Lebens, zu denen unbedingt fruchtbare Beziehungen unterhalten werden sollen in der Haltung eines wachen kritischen Geistes, aber auch vertrauensvollen Verständnisses dem gegenüber, der sich den typischen Schwierigkeiten der intellektuellen Arbeit. Lists. “Unique” is also listed as a synonym of “unprecedented,” but is too sullied in its usage to suffice. of every possible flat component part from fibre reinforced polyester, epoxy and phenol resins, with or without gelcoat. synonyms unparalleled , unequalled, unmatched, unrivalled, without parallel, without equal extraordinary , uncommon, out of the ordinary, unusual, outstanding, striking, exceptional, prodigious, abnormal, singular, remarkable, unique, anomalous, atypical, untypical, freakish Munich, Hannover (CeBIT), Oberhausen, Dortmund, Bochum, Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. ly adv. supranationale Geldpolitik stellte sich eine ganz besondere Herausforderung. unprecedented and outstanding. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. By now, “unprecedented times” is a trite phrase used to describe our global crisis brought on by the novel coronavirus, which has altered life as we knew it. What are synonyms for unprecedented? in einem beispiellosen Schritt [fig.] The only situation I can envisage where lower inflation could actually be conducive to financial. Handhabung, begünstigt das Cloud Computing vor allem das mobile Arbeiten, da Daten unabhängig von Ort und Zeit aufgrund der globalen Verteilung auf mehreren Rechenzentren zugänglich sind. This is a Full Time position, seasonal to permanent. Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! Unprecedented is an adjective meaning "without previous instance" and "never before known or experienced; unparalleled." sind die folgenden Werte zum Ressourcenverbrauch nur für 2008 angegeben. Pasera nutzt als Detektor eine miniaturisierte Messkammer mit eine Si-Zunge (Cantilever), deren Auslenkung mit einem optischen Interferometer extrem genau. Synonyms for Unprecedented. the greatest in size, amount, degree etc that has ever been known. 2 an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand. But the word “unprecedented” means “never before seen or experienced.”. Definition. neuen Analysen und Synthesen zu befassen. See more. Delivered to your inbox! Translate unprecedented into Spanish. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. After all, unprecedented has over 30 synonyms. The proposal sparked what [...] many saw as an unprecedented and deeply divisive debate. Unprecedented definition, without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event. unprecedented definition: 1. never having happened or existed in the past: 2. never having happened or existed in the past….