I just heard the new song and it 100% is another song from the 80s. Collaborating since 2019, their sound is inspired by many different artists and genres and could be best described as West Coast-inspired lo-fi hip-hop. If you dropped Blinding Lights onto a mix next to Take On Me by A-Ha and Kajagoogoo's Too Shy, you would assume they came out in the same musical moment. "City of Blinding Lights" is a song by Irish rock band U2. 23.07.2020 The Weeknd a écrit et produit le son avec ses producteurs Max Martin et Oscar Holter, avec Belly et Jason Quenneville recevant des crédits additionnels d'écriture du titre. That portion is then used in a different tune as an instrument or a musical arrangement. Often I have wondered if it were possible to recreate an aesthetic in art perfectly and The Weeknd has done it. So, about the lyrics. Porque es ochentera (y eso se lleva), por Max Martin (ahora te contamos quién es) y por TikTok (fue el reto de moda en la red social de moda). I want to live inside the synth track on The Weeknd’s .css-u6hpqs-Italic{font-style:italic;}Blinding Lights. The drum machine is a heartbeat, rushing faster than normal as his excitement and conviction builds. 1 Hits. save. Opening Opinion, 9.75/10 Until now, I’ve compared Blinding Lights to mainstream hits such as Take on Me or the work of Duran Duran but I can just as easily see moody 80’s teens jamming Blinding Lights in the same set as Depeche Mode and The Cure. | Ich habe das Gefühl, dieses Lied schon seit Jahren zu kennen, allerdings wurde es erst vor 3 Monaten veröffentlicht: Da er ohne Vater aufwuchs und seine Mutter berufstätig war, zog ihn seine Großmutter bis ins Alter von fünf Jahren auf. blinding lights » Profil von Jake ... geboren wurde er am 19. dezember 1980 in los angeles, dort wo er heute noch lebt, so dauert es wohl nicht mehr lange bis er auch mal auf Ü 40 Partys gehen kann, wenn so etwas überhaupt ein Ding ist. I’m told by some gossip nonsense that the song was inspired by .css-pzhtt7{color:#000;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-pzhtt7:hover,.css-pzhtt7:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}The Weeknd’s allegedly rocky relationship with Bella Hadid. I have no idea and I don’t really care. Blinding Lights is one of the best pop songs I have heard in years. Blinding Lights Weeknd – Blinding Lights, 2020. Alle Nr.1 Hits von 1956 bis heute, Musik-Sammlung, mit Videos. Der bisherige Hit des Jahres "Blinding Lights" klingt uralt: Musik- und Modeexperten erklären den Trend. Si no has oído la canción de The Weeknd Blinding Lights, dime ¿Dónde estabas en 2020?¡Ya! My parents actually wouldn’t let me hear the whole thing. But, fret not; many artists from various decades will get their just due 'lists: Fleetwood Mac, Commodores, Billy Joel, Madonna, Michael Jackson and Prince are all due for 'lists this year, so hang tight, and they are being drafted as we speak. Powered by .css-v0w4zo-Footer:hover,.css-v0w4zo-Footer:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1wxdhtw-SiteLink-Footer{color:#1A1A1A;}.css-1wxdhtw-SiteLink-Footer:hover,.css-1wxdhtw-SiteLink-Footer:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Vocal © 2021 Creatd, Inc. All Rights Reserved. hide. 127 comments. You could drop Blinding Lights directly into a John Hughes movie and it would not miss a beat. Er spricht Amharisch, die äthiopische Amtssprache es wa… Die massiven Anleihen aus den 80ern ziehen; "Blinding Lights" zeigt, dass das Jahrzehnt wieder voll im Mainstream der Popkultur und damit in der Gesellschaft angekommen ist. The Weeknd - Samples, Covers and Remixes on WhoSampled. I swear I’ve heard a song that’s basically the same as Blinding Lights. Don't forget to check out part three. B. Beatmusik und Blues entwickelt haben. Elle montre The Weeknd conduisant le VUSMercedes-Benz EQC et demandant au système de jo… "Blinding Lights" a culminé au premier rang dans trente-trois pays, y compris les États-Unis et le Canada. Same synth sounds . Best of 1980-1990 U2. Il ne faudra cependant attendre que 48 heures pour voir le second single, Blinding Lights, être à son tour révélé au grand public. Blinding Lights Original Songtext. Rik Emmett, né Richard Gordon Emmett, le 10 juillet 1953 à Toronto (Ontario, Canada), est chanteur, guitariste et créateur du groupe rock canadien Triumph.Depuis 1988, il mène une carrière solo, parallèlement à divers projets musicaux.Il est aussi rédacteur au magazine Guitar Player (en).Il enseigne aussi la composition musicale et le « music business » au Humber College de Toronto [1 Hello, one and all. Blinding Lights von Weeknd – ganz einfach gemacht mit einer tragenden Melodie, und doch oder gerade deshalb so extrem erfolgreich. Blinding Lights auf Deutsch. Veröffentlicht am 11. All das trifft auf das Lied "Blinding Lights" von The Weeknd zu, und trotzdem ist es der bisherige Hit des Jahres in den offiziellen Deutschen Charts (wir berichteten) – oder vielleicht gerade deswegen? The machine on Blinding Lights is nearly as essential as that remarkable synth line. Help! It’s a realization within Abel that the lifestyle he attempted in Vegas could not replace the love he felt with Bella (“I’m going through withdrawals // You can turn me on with just a touch, baby” – Blinding Lights). If any of you follow my posts, you all know by now that I do not listen; or rather barely to, any new music, unless it's by an artist that I'm still willing to validate and listen to. Doch ist der Erfolg des Songs ein Ausnahmephänomen, oder sind die 80er wirklich wieder auf dem Vormarsch? The Weeknd has the number one song in America and for good reasons. Afin de promouvoir son modèle EQC, Mercedes-Benz diffuse une publicité télévisée avec The Weeknd et a été diffusée pour la première fois à la télévision allemande le 24 novembre 2019. À sa sortie, Blinding Lights n'a pourtant pas fait l'unanimité : certains médias lui reprochent de regarder trop ouvertement dans le rétro (les années 1980, la new wave, toussa), d'autres de caresser un peu trop l'auditeur dans le sens du poil. Beiträge über Blinding Lights von Karl Heinz Boehmer. Dire qu'il ne s'agissait que d'un second choix. Après une pause de cinq mois dans les médias sociaux, le chanteur est revenu sur Instagram le 20 novembre 2019 et a posté six jours plus tard le 26 novembre 2019 . Thus the song ends with a break, everything that was pulsating with kinetic energy is suddenly flattened out, stretched out, relaxing to a lovely, slow fade. share. en casa como todos . 4,7 von ... "City of Blinding Lights" on its own is an outstanding track, but I was a bit disappointed in the live cuts. Until now, I’ve compared Blinding Lights to mainstream hits such as Take on Me or the work of Duran Duran but I can just as easily see moody 80’s teens jamming Blinding Lights in the same set as Depeche Mode and The Cure. It’s beautiful, man. [2] Er wuchs nach eigenen Angaben verschiedene musikalische Genres hörend auf, unter anderem Soul, Hip-Hop, Funk, Indie-Rock und Post-Punk. Hits von damals bis heute. Rockmusik, kurz auch Rock, dient als Oberbegriff für Musikrichtungen, die sich seit Ende der 1960er Jahre aus der Vermischung des Rock ’n’ Roll der späten 1950er und frühen 1960er Jahre und anderen Musikstilen wie z. Januar 2020 14. The scent of a 1980’s teen nightclub emanates from Blinding Lights. Well, we're a couple of weeks into the new year and while we've been sort of stuck in the mostly 1970s rut, me and my co-conspirator in this experiment: Calvin (he'll always be Oates to me) Cherry have decided to shake things up and add more diverse 'lists rather than focus on singular artists. "The Fly" sounds uninspired and like Bono is singing into a megaphone. So, here's the official 'list for the new year and after several solo efforts, I'm pleased to report that my collaborator and best friend Calvin "Oates" Cherry gave me his two cents on this 'list. Hallo, es geht um den Song ,,Blinding Lights" von The Weeknd. The synth line is the hook, it’s better than any lyric in the song at investing you in the song. The 'List: Best (Depending On Who You Ask) of 2017. Ce single explosif qui sent bon les années 1980 est déjà un tube écouté plus de 6,7 millions de fois depuis sa publication sur Youtube ! The Weeknd fait suite au morceau "Heartless" dévoilé plus tôt, avec le titre "Blinding Lights", qui sent bon les années 1980. It is the fifth track on their eleventh studio album, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (2004), and was released as the album's fourth single on 6 June 2005. Hello, one and all. It’s rare for me to get this deep into a song review and not have tackled any of the lyrics but I’m just so taken with the sound of Blinding Lights that the lyrics have barely registered to me on the 25th replay of the song. But what is a sample? The Weeknd has taken us all back in time to 1981, the founding of MTV and the ascension of new wave. Ou du moins, d'un deuxième single. It’s lyrically more mature with themes a tad beyond the Hughes demo, but sonically it fits like a glove. Dans une interview de Billboard, The Weeknd a exprimé son appréciation pour la musique des années 1980 : "J'ai toujours eu une admiration pour l'époque avant ma naissance". 5. Sort by. Neue Woche, neuer Song: Mit „Blinding Lights“ veröffentlicht The Weeknd eine hochglanzpolierte Version einer 80er-Jahre-Hit-Single. The music and lyrics work in perfect harmony to communicate the excitement of and perfection of realizing that you’re in love and the soothing calm that comes with being loved. Es el merecido número 1 mundial de 2020, pero ¿sabes por qué? The Weeknd Quelle: XO Records Blinding Lights deutsche Übersetzung von The Weeknd. That is just how dynamic Blinding Lights is, the influences are powerful and omni-present and yet a myriad. Many say Blinding Lights original song is Rod Stewart’s ‘Young Turks’, but is not exactly that, because what Blinding Light does is sample another song. Zum Inhalt springen. It is really really awesome, but its not really a flawless album. The synth is preceded by the most precise and elegant drum machine drops since A-Ha’s Take on Me made that sound iconic. I actually didn’t hear this cd until 2002. Depuis vendredi dernier, The Weeknd est de retour avec le titre «Blinding Lights». The “Blinding Lights” lyrics are rumored to be about one of the musician’s famous ex-girlfriends — Bella Hadid or Selena Gomez, to be more specific — but we can’t get past the fact that it sounds like an unreleased song from a Stranger Things soundtrack. My Dad gave me a SSLP and MMLP approved songs cd which was the tracks deemed “not too explicit.” I can't blame my dad for doing that cause the early Eminem albums weren’t for kids. The Weeknd’s allegedly rocky relationship with Bella Hadid. Beruf. Synthesizer-Sound, extrem langes Intro, und irgendwie kommt einem die Melodie schon seit Ewigkeiten bekannt vor – klingt altbacken. “Faith” leads beautifully into the hit single “Blinding Lights” with its flashing synths and 1980’s glory. Juni 2020 von Karl Heinz Boehmer. 99% Upvoted. That’s how remarkably evocative Blinding Lights is as a re-creation of a sonic aesthetic. Viele Genres innerhalb der Rockmusik werden mit einzelnen Jugendkulturen identifiziert. Discover all The Weeknd's music connections, watch videos, listen to music, discuss and download. Wow! Il a précédemment annoncé un projet appelé Chapter VI en juin 2019 . The synth line that runs throughout Blinding Lights is the kind of perfection musicians dream of. They are about a man so consumed with passion that he is blind to anything else. Nr. Stand 22.07.2020, 18:36 Uhr, Passauer Neue Presse (Freyung/Waldkirchen), Passauer Neue Presse (Pfarrkirchen/Simbach), Südostbayerische Rundschau (Waging/Tittmoning), 4 Wochen für 99 Cent im Kennenlern-Angebot. Removing the context of the man’s personal life, the lyrics are about obsession. “Blinding Lights”, o hit nº. "Blinding Lights" is a song by Canadian singer the Weeknd, recorded for his fourth studio album After Hours. Blinding Lights est une chanson du chanteur canadien The Weeknd sortie le 29 novembre 2019 comme deuxième single de son quatrième album After Hours, après Heartless sorti deux jours plus tôt. Vic Mensa, Chaz French, Rob Markman and more — here are all the standout debuts of this year... part four, that is. I have been a film critic for nearly 20 years and worked professionally, as a member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association for the past 9 years. It was released on November 29, 2019 as the second single from the album, two days after the release of "Heartless".The Weeknd wrote and produced the song with Max Martin and Oscar Holter, with Belly and Jason Quenneville receiving additional credits. The vocal lends the music an emotional depth that it might otherwise lack in the way say Kajagoogoo or Soft Cell was lacking.